There is a change of ethos within the establishment away from rapid acceleration through material to a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics. This includes a belief that all pupils are capable of understanding and doing mathematics, given sufficient time. Pupils are neither ‘born with the maths gene’ nor ‘just no good at maths’.
With good teaching, appropriate resources, effort and a ‘can do’ attitude all children can achieve in and enjoy mathematics. All pupils are encouraged to develop a growth mindset.The class work together on the same key point, whilst at the same time challenging and supporting pupils to gain depth of understanding and proficiency. Acceleration to higher content is avoided. High expectations for all.
NCETM materials designed to help secondary teachers assess the degree to which pupils have mastered concepts.
Free progression maps for KS1 & 2 produced by NCETM.
Freely available assessment items from the White Rose linked to the mastery overviews and schemes of learning described earlier in this document.
A stage based approach by Kangaroo Maths.
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