There is a change of ethos within the establishment away from rapid acceleration through material to a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics. This includes a belief that all pupils are capable of understanding and doing mathematics, given sufficient time. Pupils are neither ‘born with the maths gene’ nor ‘just no good at maths’.
With good teaching, appropriate resources, effort and a ‘can do’ attitude all children can achieve in and enjoy mathematics. All pupils are encouraged to develop a growth mindset.The class work together on the same key point, whilst at the same time challenging and supporting pupils to gain depth of understanding and proficiency. Acceleration to higher content is avoided. High expectations for all.
Teaching for Mastery - Discover what teaching for mastery means
Mastery Explained - Evidence, exemplification and illustration to explain the mastery approach
Mastery Materials - PD Materials, assessment materials, calculation guidance and ITE resources
Mastery Magnified - how Teaching for Mastery is working in schools with case studies, lesson videos & leader interviews
A document by NAMA about the myths of mastery in mathematics.
An article by Sue Gifford for the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME).
An EEF Guidance report of improving maths in EYs and Y1.
An EEF report on improving mathematics in KS2 and KS3.
This Red Amber Green (RAG) self-assessment guide accompanies the
Education Endowment Foundation’s report, Improving Mathematics
In KS2 & 3.
An EEF guest blog by Prof Jeremy Hodgen (Chair of Maths Education at the IoE) linking the previous report with Teaching for Mastery principles.
Looking at J B Carroll's and Bloom's models of mastery learning.
An account from of King Solomon Academy's approach to teaching for mastery.
A Guest Blog by Jane Jones (formerly Ofsted National Lead for Mathematics) about teaching for mastery and differentiation.
Series of slides by Jane Jones HMI given in a workshop at a Maths Hub Conference about teaching for mastery.
NRICH article on the role of mastery in nuturing young mathematicians.
Looking at how the success in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai and Korea might be explained and emulated.
Website for encouraging families to engage with maths.
Work and resources from the GLOW Maths Hub on creating a 'can do' attitude towards mathematics.
A document with a collection of relevant articles and links, some of which are on this site separately, which support teaching for mastery.
Six professional development units designed for ITE tutors to use with secondary trainee maths teachers.
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