All pupils need access to mathematical concepts and ideas and to the rich connections between them. There is no such thing as ‘special needs mathematics’ or ‘gifted and talented mathematics’. Mathematics is mathematics and the key ideas and building blocks are important for everyone. A detailed curriculum is mapped out across all phases, ensuring continuity and supporting transition.
Considerable time is spent on securing fundamental skills and knowledge in the early stages. There are clear minimum expectations for each year that all children (except those on individualised curricula) will leave the year group having mastered.
It is not expected that concepts and procedures will be re-taught later in the year or the following year; instead they will be built on.
The structure of the day / timetable allows for same day intervention to ensure all children master the key concepts and skills before moving on to the next lesson.
NRICH article on early number sense by Jenni Back.
White Rose SOW from EYs to Secondary, freely available from WRM.
Freely available primary and secondary SOW from Kangaroo Maths.
A booklet by Roher, Dedrick and Agarwal about Interleaving in maths.
A comprehensive set of plans produced by the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (University of Plymouth) with links to lesson plans, resources etc.
An american website that looks at learning trajectgories in early years mathematics.
A report by Devon LA and Babcock into the teaching of students in mixed age classes.
NCETM case study on Mixed age classes.
A summary and findings of a school action research project by Archimedes Maths Hub and North Yorkshire County Council.
A school action research project by Archimedes Maths Hub and North Yorkshire County Council given examples of planning in a mixed age context.
Mixed age schemes from White Rose Maths.
Mixed age progress maps from White Rose Maths.
EEF Toolkit - An accessible summary of the international evidence on teaching 5-16 year-olds.
Example of the Shanghai curriculum collected during one of the NCETM exchanges.
A collection of sources of research on pupil attainment grouping
A case study from St Marylebone Secondary School about teaching mixed attainment classes.
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